Thursday, February 16, 2006

Attracting Clients

Two Hundred Sixty Second Post: Attracting Clients

The math, graphic, and idea factory at Constructor’s Corner has already planed the price, and structure. It just needs clients and employees. Computer Graphics World recently had a 2 part article on starting a graphics business. The article was mainly just common sense but it did have some key points that made it worth the read.

The hardest part of the business plan, as it claims, is setting the price of the product. The trouble comes because no one wants to share there secrets of success in the valuable knowledge of competing and earning money by setting the right price. Here at Constructor’s Corner the price is free so theoretically, we should be able to out due our competitors and capture a large audience.

To achieve a larger, active audience is Constructor’s Corner’s long term goal. But achieving this goal is difficult amongst millions of web sites. So when you visit take the time to read the content and if you know someone how is interested in the topic, be it math or other, tell them about it and help promote the website. But until then... May the Creative Force be with You


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