Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Before the X box 360

One Hundred Forty First Post: Before the X box 360

Well since yesterday I came out of video game retirement only to find that I am not at all that good at video games. Well at least “Capcom vs. SNK”. I found that if a fighter is vulnerable to the jump kick that it will only take a well timed kick to defeat him. This doesn’t work with fighters with swords or fighters who have upper cut moves.

Well the X box 360 is not really going to change games, but how the gamer uses the game system. This isn’t a new concept. Back in 1993-94 the Philip’s CD I tried to become a bridge between a game console and an entertainment system. It played games as well as video CDs. Also it had great ground breaking interactive video games and had a simple 3D game. The games ranged through adults to children. One thing that is interesting is that it had a Zelda game featuring Link. I don’t know how they got the license to make this game, but the game never appeared on Nintendo. Unfortunately, this system like a lot of good systems such as the Sega “Dreamcast,” didn’t sell.

Also today I learned about a LEGO CAD program from a book from Ldraw.org .The book is called “Virtual LEGO” and covers the basic of the different LEGO drawing programs. I haven’t read it myself but it has high reviews on Amazon.

Lots of things to explore. But until then.... May the Creative Force be with You


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