Saturday, June 11, 2005

Macgyver’s Soft Spot

Eleventh Post 06-11-05: Macgyver’s Soft Spot

Many remember the 1980's show "Macgyver." Macgyver, the main character utilized the objects from his surrounding to form gadgets to defeat the bad guys. He used a Swiss Army Knife and Duct Tape as tools while making his gadgets.

However, there was one episode that Macgyver was almost defeated by his arch nemesis, Murdock. Murdock realized that Macgyver’s swiss army knife, though capable of many tasks, could not turn bolts.

Luckily Macgyer realized that if he used paper clips and a plastic tie he could make a contraption that would turn with a screw driver. And thus, he saved himself.

This isn’t the end of the episode though. An inventor was watching the show and saw that the swiss army knife couldn’t turn bolts. He knew that Macgyver needed a pair of pliers that could also fit in his pocket. With this idea the Leatherman multi tool pliers were made. lol.

The last 3 paragraphs was just a joke. But you can see that there is some points of interest and was done to show how the Macgyver show sparks the inventive side of the imagination.


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