Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Back to School #3

Sixty Forth Post: Back to School #3

We all know what plagiarism is. It is stealing someone else’s work and saying that it is your own. This is a serious offense. It tarnishes your reputation and discredits your work. In college it is so serious of an offense that you may not graduate.

But what would be called if you sited a source and what you wrote was of your own creation. It is sort of a “reverse plagiarism.” Why would the student do this? The answer is because they needed so many sources and it was quicker to write original work than it was to research the subject.

I don’t recommend doing this for several reasons. First to make it work the student has to be knowledgeable about the subject. Second it is a sort of fraudulent work as plagiarism. Besides it may save your grade if you are working on the paper the night before its do, but the grade usually gotten is a C.

So this relates to keeping a “running knowledge.” The student should be working on their assignment from the first day it was assigned. And under no circumstance should the student use plagiarism or reverse plagiarism for any reason, especially for a major paper.


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