Friday, August 26, 2005

Down Time

Eighty Eighth Post: Down Time

Sometimes when you, the designer, have some down time. This usually occurs in times between projects. Even if you are an amateur, you need to find good ideas for the next project. It is here in this down time that the important development of the next project begins.

This is also the fun part where you search for new ideas by reading, web surfing, working on a car, or through some experience you have. There are lots of projects to work on, but it is now that you determine the one that interests you the most. Choosing the right project is just as important as how you work on the project you chose.

I am in between projects right now. Not all projects are in a form to be posted on the web. I want to set up my model train set, I am tinkering with e in math, and I want to design a mechanical part. All are good projects and will lead to more ideas. Sometimes small projects create ideas and lead to larger projects, so start thinking about new projects when you are working on the small ones.

The thing to remember is that ideas lead to more ideas. They increase exponentially. So hopefully you can find the path among all these ideas that leads to a answer if not a discovery. Each idea represents a computer on a network. There are infinite computers and the challenge is finding the right connection that leads to or creates a discovery. But once you reach that connection it doesn’t end there because there are many connections to see and routes to travel.


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