Saturday, December 17, 2005


Two Hundred First Post: “Kong”

I haven’t seen the movie “King Kong 2005” but have seen the clips on tv. It looks awesome. I heard on tv that it took 12 hours to render 1 second. I don’t know what kind of software they used, but I would like to find out.

I have seen and read things before on how movies used to be painted around the camera. And motion was done by stop motion, recording every movement frame by frame. These have been replaced by computer film production. About the funniest joke I have seen was the comic “Foxtrot” where the young, geeky, boy is filming his own Kong movie. He figured out that it would be easier for his brother who is dressed like Donkey Kong climb the Empire State Building. He figured the airfare was cheaper than the computer effects.

The thing that is confusing is that a lot of critics say Kong has a love story hidden withing its action full scenes. I guess you have to have seen the movie.

I have submitted my MakeShift 04 solution to the early this morning. I will explain my idea after the contest is over or at least until the submission deadline is over. I will tell this: this is were the issue of a back and forth motion came from. It is not easy to produce and more difficult to improvise. Like I said in previous bloggings, contests are excellent ways to build a portfolio and have your work seen.

But until Kong sets records at the box office... May the Creative Force and Holiday Spirit be with You


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