Friday, May 26, 2006

Nerd Network

Three Hundred Sixty First Post: Nerd Network

I am still try to solve this network project of mine. I want one router to act as a bridge and transmit the signal from another router. One acting as a router and the other acting as the bridge. The firmware of the router give little “clues,” when you change settings. There is a menu that describes what each setting does. My problem is trying to get on router to broadcast the signal of another. Did I mention I hate networking. You work for hours fixing settings and are still at square one with no connection. The trick is to isolate the part that is causing the problem. The hard part is finding it, because after so many changed settings it is hard to find that particular setting, or chain of settings.

As far as the contest goes, I hope that some of the readers of Constructor’s Corner are interested. The site has had over 2000 visits.

You know, why do they call it wireless when it has wires connecting it to the computer. Tesla clammed to have a way to deliver electricity wirelessly. Someone would adjust the setting to high and get a bolt of lightning come their way. I remember reading somewhere about work in molecular computers. Using molecules to act like a transistor only smaller. Well it wouldn’t be hard to magnify the effect and create a super computer. The researchers say it isn’t as user friendly as MAC, but still has less security holes than Windows. (LOL) :)

You see I have been watching too much Late Night with Conan O’ Brien. I have stopped watching it the last 2 days to do computer stuff, but after watching Conan you start to pick up weird moves. That is his funny moves. Next comes jokes.

But until I get over my Conan withdraw... May the Creative Force be with You


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