Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Hacker Among Us

Three Hundred Seventy First Post: A Hacker Among Us

Well at Constructor’s Corner we have a lot of lurkers. Which is a good thing. At least some are seeing the site. I always wanted people to take interest in the message board. It seemed that messages were few and far between. The site had potential. It just need some participation.

Well you may have noticed that the message board is down. Apparently someone did take interest in the message board. On September 23, I noticed that someone had hacked the message board. It had been previously closed to only members because someone was sending junk, spam links.

Well it may not seem like a step forward for Constructor’s Corner, but it is. Someone has seen my site. That person is tech savvy. So maybe although they hack the board, they are creative and can appreciate some of the ideas that Constructor’s Corner presents. Secondly, it alerts me that I have to consider computer security as a factor when managing my web sites. Updates, privileges, and joining the website are all important when considering security.

Of course I have a recommendation for the hacker. Use your talents productively. Constructor’s Corner is all about ideas and sharing knowledge. I do not want any spam or other garbage on my site. There are better hacks out there to be made. There are better things to do with your hacking ability.

So until Constructor’s Corner only has white hat hackers... May the Creative Force be with You


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