Monday, May 29, 2006

New Jingle

Three Hundred Sixty Fourth Post: New Jingle

Oreo Jingle – Past Deadline

Twist It - Lick It - Dunk It - Then Crunch It

Taste is good when eating alone but there is stories to be told when good friends...

Twist It - Lick It - Dunk It - Then Share It - And Finally Crunch It

That is my Oreo cookie jingle. It didn’t make the deadline. As you can tell it stinks. I just wanted to try this music thing out. In grade school I got unsatisfactory grades in music. Try writing a song or a jingle once and you will see how difficult it is.

Well the network is up and running. We just need to replace the main network cable because it doesn’t work. Today my project was to build a bench that folds into half a picnic table. The plans were simple and I had already cut the boards. It was just a factor of the holes and bolts lining up. An 1/8 inch off is too much. I had to re-drill a hole to make it straight. Then I used the universal tool to line up bolts, that is the rubber hammer. After some mighty pounds of the rubber hammer everything fell in place. Tightening the bolts even made it more solid. Add a coat of paint and the projects done. Of course it took some time.

But until I post pictures of the bench... May the Creative Force be with You


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