Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wiki Information

Three Hundred Eighty Fifth Post: Wiki Information

Here is some info on the Wiki that is in development. Take the time to read it all. This should explain what the Wiki is all about.


The goal of this site: Absolute-Proof.net is to foster the creative efforts of individual artists, mathematicians, tinkerers, and inventors. It is by “Constructors” for “Constructors.” It is particularly for the amateur trying to break into their dream. It is a place to share information, show a portfolio, or advertise services.

1.This site is a Wiki. It uses the same technology as Wikipedia.org. It’s purpose is to allow user created pages and user content.

2. This site is to share knowledge. The community can share ideas, work on group projects, or just ask questions.

3. Depending on Website resources, available space will be used to store pictures. Note these will be pictures the Constructor is willing to share freely. Nothing on this Wiki will be copyrighted.

4. With letting the community enjoy free content the Constructor is allowed to advertise their own site/business. These sites will possibly contain copyrighted work and paid services by the Constructor.


1. You must be approved.


3. Absolute-Proof.net is not responsible for those who show work or advertise business. It is recommended contracts are used and identities are verified between business parties.

4. Do not post copyrighted work or work that is not your own.

5. This Site relies upon an Honor System. Let’s make this a great project.

For more information or to join the Wiki Email: trurlthe_constructor@hotmail.com

Monday, February 12, 2007


Three Hundred Eighty Fourth Post: Patterns


Often young students are confused by math. In early grades in school a lot of the work involves learning vocabulary words and remembering facts. Math has these same skills but to a lesser extent. In math reading comprehension, imagination, observation, and problem solving skills are stressed. However it can still be confusing to young students about the importance of learning math and the reasons why the math work is supported with proofs.

Why must we learn from proofs. The simple answer is that we are trying to learn math the same way that the mathematician created the “math work.” The mathematician left these steps for a reason and that reason is so we can recreate his or her work by following these steps. That proof is in the universal language of math. It would be difficult to record thoughts and all the ideas considered while creating the math theory, but with this proof it translates those ideas into one’s one ideas. One can take their own meaning and understanding from the proof. That is why math is such a powerful language.

Something happens when we group the proofs and observations together. This helps us see relationships and leads to new discoveries. We are looking for new patterns. Of course this is easier with the Internet. Traditionally it involved finding some good math books in the library. Wikipedia.org is an invaluable source of mathematical knowledge. But it is once we learn from the knowledge that came before, that we can create something new.

Now I suppose you want an example.


I had a simple observation about parabolas that is so simple it is easily missed. And it would not be of use if I hadn’t worked on other properties of parabolas. That is specifically how conic sections such as a circle and parabola are related and how their functions (such as circular functions (sine and cosine)) also relate.

So here is a rough theory. It could be wrong since I really haven’t put it to any test. “It’s just a hunch.”

I see no reason why cutting and joining a parabola with its mirror (inverse) couldn’t always create an ellipse. It would have different lengths of x and y axis’s causing the focus’s to change accordingly ( or stay the same if it is part of the same parabola.)

Once the axis are known (or focus’s known) the relative coordinates of the parabola could be found. Which is valuable since we have knowledge of the “Parabola Key.” It also (though more difficult to find) may lead to an alternative to the quadratic equation.

That is why this work with parabolas, though simple, is so interesting to work with. Learning knew properties leads to knew ways of describing the conic sections’ equations.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Microsoft’s Code

Three Hundred Eighty Third Post: Microsoft’s Code

Well Vista got here 01-30-2007. Many message boards across the Web are filed with threads that are unhappy with Vista. A lot has to do with compatibility and a lot has to do with the DRM. Some wonder why they don’t have full 64 bit support.

All of these questions are valid. Why did Microsoft rewrite the OS from scratch and abandon the NTFS format the made XP the great OS it is? Also, there are competitors such as Apple and Linux. Both seem to have a more advanced operating system. But the thing to pay close attention to is an open source vs Microsoft’s proprietary system.

Microsoft refuses to let their code made public, let alone given to software developers. Is their technology so advanced it must be keep secret or is the reason Microsoft refuses to share code because that code is advancements stolen from Unix? Are they keeping their code secret to remain the industries leader? Have they actually benefitted from open source software by stealing its free knowledge and reverse engineering its technology. Open source was meant to be an alternative to standard Microsoft products, but did it just help the giant grow bigger?

In conclusion, Microsoft won’t let its code be known because it is not their own. They have reversed engineered and used open source technology. At the same time, they did not make public how they incorporated it in Vista.

This is just one big joke. Yes I use Microsoft too. I just wanted to get those Window’s users made about Linux.

But until open source is the standard... May the Creative Force be with You

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Slower Creative Cycle

Three Hundred Eighty Second Post: The Slower Creative Cycle

I was at a scrap yard years ago during the winter. Winter is a slow time work wise. I guess everything has its “down time.” Much like when you work on “projects.” We all know that whenever we do work some times are slow and others there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. That is likewise with the creative cycles.

So what can we do to get back creative inspiration? Well from what I observed at the scrap yard relates to all types of work. Clean up and construction are slow in the winter, so the amount of metals coming in is slow. What they do is save the air conditioners, motors and any other equipment with valuable metals that is difficult and time consuming for the winter when there is more than enough time and work needed by the employees.

How does this relate to creative cycles. The thing that I found that works is a clean up. That is a clean up of the desk or work area. In that depending on how need you keep your area, you will find incomplete projects, articles or books you meant to read, and basically anything that you were interested in but never got to. And it doesn’t just have to be a work area. It can be saved computer files or journal entries.

It sounds simple. That is because it is. It is basic common sense but you’ve got to save those projects you don’t have time for and finish them at the down time.