Friday, September 02, 2005

2nd Anniversary of Constructors' Corner

Ninety Fifth Post: 2nd Anniversary of Constructors’ Corner

September marks the second anniversary of Constructors Corner. It has had roughly 15,000 visits in the past year. It has been a learning tool for me and a place to post my work. I am happy with the way it has grown. Though, I believe it still needs some more content and user input.

I do have some goals for the site. In the following years I want the site to have design projects. Sometimes in school you learn so much math and science that you forget how they apply to the world. I know this has changed with many schools adding extra credit hours to have a lab where the application of the math problems are used. However I am not attending school at this time, but want to attend a class or independent project where I could apply the knowledge that I have learned. And that’s what art and engineering projects do. They are applications of the knowledge and techniques one has learned.

Another thing that Constructors Corner needs is a dynamic homepage. It wouldn’t be necessary be more fancy or complex, but would contain more original graphics and have a design that is easy to read. I have kept the design of Constructors Corner simple, but because the pages are not templates, it makes it difficult to update.

And as always I welcome comments, suggestions, or ideas for projects via email or message board. Let’s see how Constructors Corner evolves. And May the Creative Force be with You.


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