Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Site Ideas

Two Hundred Fourth Post: Site Ideas

I’m reading about website design and how to make pages smaller and have all the elements of easy navigation and easy updating. My site “Constructor’s Corner” is a simple design, but unfortunately is hard to update, because I made a graphic for the menu. That wasn’t the brightest idea in terms of making upgrades. However, I don’t have any plans on changing the entire site. I may update the homepage, but my new design will be on my other site “Calculated Curves” which I haven’t done much with.

The thing about Constructors Corner is that the title leads you to believe that it is about construction. Most people aren’t familiar with Stanislaw Lem’s “The Cyberiad.” But the appearance of the site doesn’t give the feeling of a professional site. What I mean is that the site does contain some interesting ideas, but simplifies it so everyone can understand. So if the design of the site works there is no need to fix it especially when there is Calculated Curves to test designs.

If you remember, I have blogged about He-Man before. There is a lot of info on him on Wikipedia. But as I see there is interest in him again. There is a DVD with the first series. On a message board (Kubert’s) I saw one member drawing him. There is one character that presents a drawing challenge. And that is the bad guy “Modulok.” His action figure came in locking parts that could be connected to build different “forms.” Quite an interesting character. Drawing him in his many forms would be interesting. But until you have any suggestions for Constructors’ Corner... May the Creative Force and Holiday Spirit be with You

Oh and if you want to see Modulok: http://www.dukenostalgia.com/He-Man/Motu_modbot.html


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