Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Math Ciphers

Three Hundred Seventeenth Post: Math Ciphers

The news paper often have math ciphers. For example, the letters of the alphabet are arranged around a shape, such as a circle or wheel. Now from my standpoint of never studying cryptology, if the cracker knows what shape was used and also knows which part of the key is matched to the shape, the code would be easy to crack. That is especially true with computers. That is why the key, the solution to the cipher, needs to remain secret. Ok, so I need to study more, but there is something about these ciphers that interests me. I do have a couple ideas, but nothing that has been developed yet.

I seen in the May 2006 issue of Popular Mechanics that a huge particle accelerator will be finished this year. It is in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Now or is it just me or is working with these trillions of particles described by Maxwell’s Demon. I think I read about this in Stanislaw Lem’s book the Cyberiad. In the story they build a fact creator for a PhD. Pirate. Yes it does give information, but... read it and find out.

Also on page 19 of PM is a picture of robotic handles. Humans can’t be near the accelerator because of radiation. I have seen these hands before. In fact, Dr. Octopus got them fused to his body in an experimental accident.

So until Dr. Octopus goes to work at the particle accelerator... May the Creative Force be with You


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