Friday, May 05, 2006

Contest Updates

Three Hundred Fortieth Post: Contest Updates

I updated the contest with a clear, simpler, and much better explanation. Now not only can you write math using equations, but graphics can be submitted. (Graphics meaning any art medium such as drawing, painting, or computer graphics that relates to the math in some way.) I still need a way to judge the contest fairly. I have some ideas such as a grading system with factors such as skill level, originality, correctness, creativity, etc. But the first thing is to get the word out.

I decided to go ahead with both an art and math contest because of the more interesting the entries would be. It allows for a more creative expression in by the participants. I noted in the description that there have been many ways to express math in art. Some might view mathematics as uncreative and a more technical field when compared to the arts. This couldn’t be further from the truth. And I bet the participates in the contest will prove that.

So until the fusion or art and math explode with creative ideas... May the Creative Force be with You


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