Friday, January 06, 2006

A Hunch

Two Hundred Twenty First Post: A Hunch

Ok, you studied geometry, trig, or calculus and you have been tinkering with one problem that you found more interesting than the rest. You think it will lead to a little discovery or if not just an cool problem to solve. What did you base this on and why have you spent so much time on this one problem. Chances are, it is all based on a hunch.

That is right a “hunch.” The only clues you have to why these problem is special is based on the way you have thought about the problem. You just can’t go about a math problem with a certainty that a solution will be found. If it was that easy previous tinkers before you would have already found it.

So does this make the effort less fun since you can’t tell what problems will give results. The answer is absolutely not. If you didn’t have to tinker to find a solution what fun would that be? Finding the right problem and then finding the uncommon answer is all part of the job.

So that is why when you get a hunch, a certain feeling that lets you know there is something to be learned, you must write it down to record it and begin the effort to solve the ultimate puzzle.

So until I solve my hunch.... May the Creative Force be with You


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