Saturday, January 07, 2006

Right Wing / Left Wing

Two Hundred Twenty Second Post: Right Wing / Left Wing

Ok so let’s discuss liberal vs. conservative views. I don’t consider my self to be either one. I think that both sides have good and bad points. The funny thing is when they try to explain why their side is right and go off on some tangent to prove their side’s view is right although it clearly doesn’t make sense. I am talking about when an elected official makes a bad decision and they were clearly wrong, some radio talk show hosts describe it as being the best decision every.

Of course, a radio show host is there for more than to get across and opinion. They are entertainers. I listen to both liberal and conservative host if not just for the debate, but to learn the political happenings.

I really am not sure of the impact on liberal and conservative views. Is the country really that different in their views? I read the 1st chapter of Al Franken’s “The Truth.” He talks about Senator Kerry losing the election. He argues the point that Bush was given a mandate of his victory when in actuality he only won by a near margin.

I look back at why I think Kerry lost. He had good ideas and pointed out a lot of Bush’s deficiencies as President such as the war, reputation with other nations, and health care, but he claimed to be able to solve all the problems in his term and I don’t think he convinced enough people that he could do it. Bush on the other hand ignored such issues and tried to argue why Kerry wouldn’t make a good President, instead of promoting his own policies. This is where Al Franken’s book starts to describe the election.

Well whoever we voted for Bush won and we must stand behind are President. But when he is wrong we must tell him. I read a political cartoon by artist Rob Rogers in the newspaper. It had Bush writing resolutions. He wrote: “1: Continue to do whatever I want because I know what’s best for the World. 2: Boost my sagging Poll numbers.” An advisor to him, “I think those two cancel each other out.”

So we have 3 more years of W. So instead of explaining there is some reason behind everything he does like some radio entertainers, we need to let the President know how we, the American People, feel.

I tried to not favor one side more than the other... but until then.... May the Creative Force be with You


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